2d Composite Transformation Program In Computer Graphics Using C

2d Composite Transformation Program In Computer Graphics Using C 9,9/10 4810 reviews

Sep 03, 2015  2D Tranforamations (C Language) Translation Scaling Rotation Reflection Shearing Code Interester. COMPUTER GRAPHICS - EXAMPLES ON BASIC 2D TRANSFORMATIONS.

If a point (x, y, z) is rotated through angle θ about x – axis to a new point (x’, y’, z’) then the new point is calculated as y’ = y cosθ – z sinθ z’ = y sinθ + z cosθ x’ = x About y – axis z’ = z cosθ – x sinθ x’ = z sinθ + x cosθ y’ = y About z – axis x’ = x cosθ – y sinθ y’ = x sinθ + y cosθ z’ = z Scaling Scaling with respect a selected fixed position (xf, yf, zf) can be represented with the following transformation sequence: 1. Translate the fixed point to the origin 2. Scale the object relative to the coordinate origin 3. Translate the fixed point back to its original position The equations for this sequence of transformation is (where s is scaling factor) x’ = x * s + (1 – s) * xf y’ = y *s + (1 – s) * yf z’ = z * s + (1 – s) * zf Source Code.


Problem Definition: Write a program to implement 2-D Transformations viz., (a) Translation (b) Rotation (c) Scaling for an Object. #include #include #include #include void main(){ int x1=200,y1=200,x2=250,y2=250,x3=180,y3=270,option; int gdriver = DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,”C: TC BGI”); do{ cleardevice(); gotoxy(1,1); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); line(x2,y2,x3,y3); line(x3,y3,x1,y1); cout>option; switch(option){ case 1: float tx,ty; cout>tx>>ty; x1+=tx;x2+=tx;x3+=tx; y1+=ty;y2+=ty;y3+=ty; break; case 2: float sx,sy.

The weight sensor module can be combined with weight sensor on the market. The input interface of this weight sensor module is used sensor interface,which is compatible with Arduino I/O port.The output adopts compact terminal that makes weight sensor module easier to connect the weight sensor.It's the best choose for electronic enthusiast to do some tiny home scale. Arduino hx711 weight scale interface 1 0 software. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction is based on HX711,which is a precision 24-bit analog-to-digital convertor designed for weigh scale and industrial control applications to interface directly with a bridge sensor.Compared with other chips, HX711 not only has a few basic function,also contains high integration,fast response,immunity,and other features.The chip lowedrs the cost of the electronic scale,at the same time,improving the performance and reliability. We also help you to pick a small range of weight sensor.