At Command Tester Software

At Command Tester Software 7,8/10 5768 reviews

Is a free online software tool that is used to test AT commands and other functionalities of GSM modems. Intel d865gbf. The friendly user interface allows developers to • Configure and connect to modem ports • Send single or batch of AT commands • Perform modem diagnostics • Establish 3G or GPRS call • Collect and save modem logs Port Configuration uses Java-based serial drivers to interface to the modem.

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The ‘Find Ports’ button will automatically find all ports available in the system. The user can connect the appropriate modem port with the desired port speed. Command mode After connecting successfully to the modem, users can send single AT commands under ‘Command Mode’ tab.

The drop down provides a list of AT commands with description and examples. The users can modify or enter their own AT command in the text box. Script Mode Users can send batch of AT commands under the ‘Script Mode’ tab. They can also save and load the script from the local machine.

Free tool for test MTX-M2M modem AT commands. MTX-M2M terminal is a terminal emulator tool program and serial console with network protocol TPC server.


Users can develop their own scripts for specific set of tasks such as call setup, send SMS, HTTP access etc. Users can also include descriptive comments in their script. Diagnostics Users can perform basic troubleshooting of the modem under the ‘Diagnostics’ tab. Here the tool sends the required AT commands and provides descriptive output about the state of the modem. Data Call The ‘Data Call’ tab provides the interfaces to setup data call with the GSM network. ‘Get PDP Contexts’ button will list all the PDP context profiles stored on the SIM.

Users can also add or update new PDP context profile. Users can then connect to the selected profile.

Will first check whether the device is registered on the network. If so, it will attach and connect to the network with the selected PDP context credentials.

More feature additions such as voice call, SMS, Phone book functions, HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP are planned for tool. Suggestions from this blog readers are also welcome.

About provides useful information to M2M application developers about modules, M2M software, certification etc.