Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Learning

Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Learning 8,9/10 9011 reviews

When I generate a simple 10-page report with Fast reports 4.12.2 and save it as a PDF it is about 5 Meg’s in size. A similar report generated in Rave Reports and converted to PDF with eDocEngine is about 50k in size.

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Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Learning

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This is how the Fast report TfrxPDFExport component is setup: object frxPDFExport1: TfrxPDFExport UseFileCache = True ShowProgress = True OverwritePrompt = False CreationTime = 0000 DataOnly = False OnBeginExport = frxPDFExport1BeginExport PrintOptimized = True Outline = False Background = False HTMLTags = True Author = 'FastReport' Subject = 'FastReport PDF export' ProtectionFlags = [ePrint] HideToolbar = False HideMenubar = False HideWindowUI = False FitWindow = False CenterWindow = False PrintScaling = False Left = 216 Top = 56 end What can I do to get the Fast Report generated PDF smaller?

When I generate a simple 10-page report with Fast reports 4.12.2 and save it as a PDF it is about 5 Meg’s in size. Biblioteki splan 7 0. A similar report generated in Rave Reports and converted to PDF with eDocEngine is about 50k in size. This is how the Fast report TfrxPDFExport component is setup: object frxPDFExport1: TfrxPDFExport UseFileCache = True ShowProgress = True OverwritePrompt = False CreationTime = 0000 DataOnly = False OnBeginExport = frxPDFExport1BeginExport PrintOptimized = True Outline = False Background = False HTMLTags = True Author = 'FastReport' Subject = 'FastReport PDF export' ProtectionFlags = [ePrint] HideToolbar = False HideMenubar = False HideWindowUI = False FitWindow = False CenterWindow = False PrintScaling = False Left = 216 Top = 56 end What can I do to get the Fast Report generated PDF smaller?