My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic Tribute Edition Download

My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic Tribute Edition Download 5,8/10 7441 reviews

Mar 04, 2014  Gringo: sorry bad bad quality D: ill try to fix that next time heres the game page

My little pony fighting is magic tribute edition download free

Some things are super broken -Story mode works for Applejack (Kinda) -Extra characters (Derpy, Trixie, Octavia, Gilda) are in the file, but are super broken and don't have later assets implemented. Mess with them if you want.

Add them to your build if you're still into that. -Zalgojack is the only extra character that is playable in the build since her Data is compatible with the other 6. -Balance was never finished. Don't ask me why things are the way they are. Download lagu opening kiamat sudah dekat I don't remember. Just thought I'd share since Thems Fightin Herds is coming out soon, and I plan to support it as much as possible.

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