Liquid Glass Repair Cracked Block

Liquid Glass Repair Cracked Block 8,4/10 4745 reviews

He said he had an IHC that had a cracked block that he fixed this way and ran it 5 years more before he sold it. The IHC had a crack in the side of the block. Another fellow gave me a similar story for an 8n. I can not find any liquid glass to try it? He said you could buy liquid glass in 4 and 8 oz bottles. Feb 27, 2008 - I bought some liquid glass and have not had a problem since. He works with one of the junk yards repairing engine blocks taken from.

Asking if anyone has seen this done before: I have an 8n that has a cracked head and runs hot looses water. I have had an older fellow tell me to try some liquid glass to stop the leak. He said get some liquid glass from the phramacy, pore it into the radiator and run the tractor until it gets hot, then shut it down over night. Start it up the next day a see if it stops the leak. He says the glass will flow out the leak and harden.

He said he had an IHC that had a cracked block that he fixed this way and ran it 5 years more before he sold it. The IHC had a crack in the side of the block. Another fellow gave me a similar story for an 8n. I can not find any liquid glass to try it? He said you could buy liquid glass in 4 and 8 oz bottles. Sounds crazy but it might work and it probably is cheaper than a head?

What you're looking for is called liquid glass, also water glass. It's actually Sodium silicate. It was used for preserving eggs back before refridgeration was available, and is currently used for cleaning. Yahoo na russkom yazike. The best way to use it is to warm up the machine, drain the cooling system, and then refill it with sodium silicate solution in warm or hot water, run the machine a while, and then shut it down.

It will fill in small cracks and stop minor leaks. It will also plug radiators if you just pour the sodium silicate into a full cooling system.