Artikel Tentang Kedisiplinan Siswa

Artikel Tentang Kedisiplinan Siswa 5,5/10 3894 reviews


Text artikel bams.docx Abstract The study aims discovering (1) the description of giving reward on students’ discipline at SD Inpres Perumnas in Rappocini subdistrict of Makassar city, (2) the correltaion of giving reward on students’ discipline at SD Inpres Perumnas in Rappocini subdistrict of Makassar city; (3) the correlation of giving punishment on students’ discipline at SD Inpres Perumnas in Rappocini subdistrict of Makassar city, and (4) the correlation of giving reward and punishment on students’ discipline at SD Inpres Perumnas in Rappocini subdistrict of Makassar city. The study employed quantitative approach in descriptive-correlation research with one path in nature.

The variables of the study were giving reward (XI) and punishment (X2) as the independent variables, and students’ discipline (Y) as the dependent variable. The population of the study was the entire students at SD Inpres Perumnas in Makassar city. The samples were selected by employing cluster sampling technique in 5 classes and obtained 57 samples as the respondents.

Data were collected using quistionnaire and documentation; whereas, data process employed statistics descriptive analysis and statistics inferential analysis with product moment correlation, multiple correlation, and t-test.

Aug 1, 2017 - (Penkostrad. Selasa, 1 Agustus 2017). Dalam rangka kegiatan Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah (MPLS), SMK Kesehatan Adi Husada.

Discipline is a compulsary subject in school because without the discipline, the process of teaching-learning will not be optimal. Student discipline can be achieved by increasing students' learning discipline in class. Discipline Training is expected to increase the discipline of students in the learning process in class. This research using untreated control group design with dependent pre-test and post-test sample method. Data taken using a scale of students' learning discipline.Participantsofthis study are 30 students in junior high school, aged 13 - 15 years.

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